Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Simple Tips for foster parents

I read “simple tips for foster parents.” It was an article in a magazine called “Represent.” “Represent” is a magazine dedicated to kids in foster care. Reading the article, “Simple tips for foster parents,” taught me a few things. It taught me how foster kids felt about the foster care system. They want to feel more like they are more a part of the family. They want to feel safe and protected. I think foster kids should be treated with love and respect. It is clear that not all foster kids are treated the way they should be treated. If I were in charge I would make things better for them.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer time

I love when the summer comes because I get to go to P.R for the summer. I get to see my family and spend time with them which is very special to me. I ride horses motorcycles and I go swimming. I go play basketball football and baseball in the park. I might go to the movies and watch a movie with my family we have parties too. We have food and dance reggaeton music. We serve white rice and beans pork chops pig rice and grandules and for desert we have cake flan and pie.

Monday, April 19, 2010

What I did this weekend

I went to my cousin’s house and played the WII game then ate rice and ham. I stayed up all night until 2:00 in the morning. I went home at 2:15 in the morning. Sunday I went to New Jersey with my cousin’s. We his brother’s house to play basketball and ps2. I played Grand theft Auto san Andreas. The best part was that we went to a buffet. The worst part was that the truck’s back wheel broke. How did you fix the truck? The towtruck came to get the truck in New Jersey.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wrestlemania 27

On April 3 rd 2011 I am going to see wrestlemain 27 at my friend ‘s house. We are going to have food soda potatoes chips and we might ever have pizza. I might stay over at my friend’s house and play ps3 all night long. It sounds like fun to me. T am excited about watching wrestlemain 27. I have been a wrestling fan since wwf frist started.

Monday, March 8, 2010

My weekend

My weekend was good. I stayed home, watched TV, and ate Chinese food. I also stayed up late watched, Family Matters. The best part of my weekend was going to Brooklyn. This was the best part because I could see the ocean and seaport. My brother came from my aunt’s house because he bothers ever body in my house. He fights with every one by arguing over every litte thing, Such as, touching his action Figures, and control of the Tv. My brother made the worst part of the weekend. I just wish my brother would stop being such a pain in the rear.